The Courage To Rethink Quality Of Life!
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If COVID has taught us anything, it’s not only how fragile quality of life is, but that it’s now exclusively up to us as individuals, to make the place we park our hearts, far more meaningful and intentionally authentic than ever before.
It’s no longer about “design trends and show places.” Now, it's about Lifestyle Clarity and having the courage to ask ourselves, “Given what we know now…how do we really need (and want) to live in the next chapters of our lives?”
It’s time to re-think “lifestyle” from a whole new perspective. It's time to determine the new essentials and get back to basics in a far more intentional way.

Indulge Simplicity
“Simplicity is not about deprivation. Simplicity is about a greater appreciation for things that really matter.”
Lifestyle Lab is my private creative space that I hope becomes your private safe place too!

Lifestyle Lab Video home base under construction

Lifestyle Lab video studio under construction

Christopher Lowell's Lifestyle Lab video studio.

Lifestyle Lab Video home base under construction

Where There Is Fear, There Is No Creativity!
Nestled in the mountians on the Great Western Slope of Colorado, I went back to my own basics. Alone, music cranked (and endless early morning trips to Home Depot) I built my first creative place in 20 years. Nothing fancy mind you, but it did the trick. I go there each morning and with just my iPad I create the videos you see here--information I hope will make the exploration of your own personal creativity, easier.

“Going back to the basics strengthens your foundation”
Back to design basics means just that. Learning the basics of furniture placement, creating storage that actually makes rooms "live" better, coordinating fabrics and choosing the right wall colors and surfaces is the base of all good design. Often it's not the the 'how' but the 'why' that makes the difference in developing a look what works for you. Once you know WHY, the rest is simply a matter of personal taste. Because instinctively, you already know what you like and what you don't. All you really need are a few good ideas and if I can give you a some foolproof color and fabric combos that I already know really work, it will save you time and anxiety. Right?
That's not your job. Any more than thinking one has to go to 6 years of Med school just to take an aspirin. Your only job is to create a space that means something specifically to you, not Architectural Digest. Homes decorated with "approval" in mind never serve the soul that actually lives there, day in and day out.
The truth is, you already know what you don't care about any more. So start there. In the act of real purging--getting rid of useless stuff...what you really DO need will become obvious.
Stop trying to think like a "designer."
Start your creative journey here...

It all starts with color and paint
But that’s the hardest part. Yet, once you have your color palette locked in, everything else falls into place. If the very idea puts you into emotional overwhelm, not to worry. I’ve already done all the hard work for you. Now you can choose from one of my favorite Room Recipes and download it for absolutely free.
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Christopher Lowell's 7 Layers of Design

Christopher Lowell's 7 layers of design

Christopher Lowell's 7 Layers Of Design

Christopher Lowell's 7 Layers of Design
Be sure to check out my Seven Layers Of Design. It will really help you look at the overall design process in a more practical and less abstract way. It’s your road map to knowing what to focus on first so you don’t get overwhelmed. It’s already been implemented by millions to great success. So, use it as more information to guide you when using the Room Recipes.



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